MGetting in shape does not happen overnight. In a world with numerous adverse health effects related to obesity, losing weight, and getting fit is a wise thing to do.

Unfortunately, most people are doing it wrong and getting poor or no results at all while others struggle with motivation for some time and head back to the couch.

If you have been finding it hard to get up and burn some calories, or you have been working so hard, and yet you aren’t getting your desired result, then the solution to your problem is here.

Here are 40 tips to motivate yourself daily, getting you a better fitness and a more healthy lifestyle;

1. Eat healthily

Eat healthily

This is the first rule in body fitness – eating healthy. You are what you eat, and most cases of obese people can be related to bad diet.

Drink more water, eat fewer carbs and junk food, avoid fizzy drink, take more protein and vitamin and stop eating late. Your diet will determine if you will gain more weight or lose them.

2. Set a goal

40 tips on health and fitnessSet a goal Text

What do you want to achieve throughout your workout program?

It could be anything such as losing 10lbs or having a six pack belly.

Setting a goal helps you work towards achieving it more.

3. Start small

Tip for Fitness and Health Start small

Most beginners often make the mistake of overworking themselves during the first workout session and the after effects can be discouraging. As a beginner, if you start with 100 pushups a day, you might feel good at first but you have overworked your muscles, and you are likely to be sore for days.

This mistake is what makes most newbies give up easily. Start small and build up gradually – for beginners, 10 pushups per session is enough.

4. Join a group

Join a group to get Healthy
If you find it hard working out on your own, join a group – seeing people like you trying to get fit can serve as a challenge and motivate you to keep going.

5. Make working out a lifestyle

40 tips on health and fitness a lifestyle change

Some people see exercising as hard labour and that’s the problem because you will start having reasons not to continue.

Instead, see exercising as a way of life, a habit just like brushing and bathing. When you make working out a lifestyle it becomes easier for you to enjoy it.

6. Listen to music

40 tips on health and fitness Listen to music

Listening to music – depending on your preference makes you feel good and charges you to hit harder.

Surf the web for best workout songs to download, you will find it helpful.

Have a look at our review of head phone for running. There are some great new products in the market  Click here

7. Know your workout environment preference

40 tips on health and fitness Know your workout environment preference

Now, this is very important – some people prefer working out outdoors instead of going to the gym.

This depends on each person, and both conditions will yield almost the same result if you exercise properly.

Try the exercising in both conditions to see which one suits you.

8. Develop Nice Curves

40 tips on health and fitness Hire a gym instructor

Unless you have been working out for a long time, if not you need a gym instructor and here’s why; they are trained professionals and know more than you do about getting in shape.

They will guide you on workouts to do to help you achieve your goal. Doing it on your own will be difficult, and you will make mistakes that could have been easily avoided. The worst case will be when you don’t see a result after months of exercising.

9. Variety is important

Health and Fitness Variety is important

There are hundreds of workout for each body part and it not compulsory you use one or two.

Try out as many as you can to see which one you enjoy most and at the same time is effective. Doing the same thing over and over again can get boring.

10. Sleep well

40 tips on health and fitness Sleep Well

Your bedtime is important, and you need to get sufficient sleep for your muscles to relax, heal and grow well.

You need at least 8 hours sleep every day – sleep deprivation can lead to obesity, and instead of getting in shape, you will end up not seeing any results and quitting.

11. Enroll in a sport competition

40 tips on health and fitness Enroll in a sport competition

Partaking in sports competitions like marathon races is a big challenge to your body because you want to win and that’s enough motivation to make you work harder, and not to embarrass yourself outside.

You will gain experience, learn how to improve yourself and go for that medal.

12. Keep records

40 tips on health and fitness Keep records

Before you started working out, you set a goal, and you must work hard to meet it. For example, you want to lose 10lbs in two months, after two weeks check your weight to see how much progress you’ve made.

Each positive result will make you feel better about your body and drive you to keep going.

13. Gradually increase your pace

40 tips on health and fitness Gradually increase your pace
After doing 10 pushups for three weeks and it’s becoming too easy you can increase your reps to 15 pushups per session. This is more challenging, but you will start seeing better results as you progress. Slowly increase the number of reps as you go, from 10 to 15 to 20 and so on. Don’t expect to bolt from 10 to 50 and not breakdown.

14. Stay hydrated

40 tips on health and fitness Stay hydrated

After doing 10 pushups for three weeks and it’s becoming too easy you can increase your reps to 15 pushups per session.

This is more challenging, but you will start seeing better results as you progress.

Slowly increase the number of reps as you go, from 10 to 15 to 20 and so on. Don’t expect to bolt from 10 to 50 and not breakdown.

15. Stop procrastinating

40 tips on health and fitness Stop procrastinating

Laziness and procrastination go hand in hand and won’t get you anywhere. You keep telling yourself, “I’ll do it tomorrow”, and this becomes a habit before you discover you’ve gone three weeks without hitting the gym.

In the end, you’ll say, “I’m not just a gym guy” which is a means to justify your laziness. Once you set out to start working out, see it through till the end.

16. Supplementing will help

Supplementing will help

Today there many protein and vitamin supplements you can get over the counter which can help you speed up the process.

Most of these supplements are post-workout nutrients and are very helpful especially for those who want to build muscle mass.

17. Don’t be in haste to see results

40 tips on health and fitness Dont be in haste to see results

I’ve seen over excited beginners start their program today and start expecting to see results the next day.

You will only get disappointed because it’s impossible to get in shape overnight and you must understand that this is a gradual process.

Keep working hard, and you’ll meet your goals with time.

18. Consistency is key

40 tips on health and fitness Consistency is key
I know people who become surprisingly dedicated for a few days and disappear only to resurface a couple of months later still the same or even worse. Consistency and discipline are two fundamental values you must have to make the best out your workout program. Taking a long break won’t get you anywhere because muscles also decrease when you stop exercising them often. To get maximum results you have to be consistent.

19. Never skip your post-workout meal

40 tips on health and fitness Never skip your post workout meal
This is the most important meal after a workout. Most people aren’t aware that their muscles also need nutrients to grow well. The prevailing thought is that eating after a workout will make you gain more calories when you are trying to lose some. You will only gain excess calories if you eat a bad diet – post-workout meals don’t have to be large, it could just be a salad.

20. Take a short break between reps

40 tips on health and fitness Take a short break between reps
This is the most important meal after a workout. Most people aren’t aware that their muscles also need nutrients to grow well. The prevailing thought is that eating after a workout will make you gain more calories when you are trying to lose some. You will only gain excess calories if you eat a bad diet – post-workout meals don’t have to be large, it could just be a salad.

21. Do each workout right

40 tips on health and fitness Do each workout right
I’ve had people come to me with complaints of not seeing the desired result or slow progress. I asked them questions to find out the problem, and I discovered they were consistent, eating a proper diet, not under any form of stress and sleeping well yet there was no proof of all their hard work. Then I went ahead to supervise their routine. What did I find? I noticed that while they were consistent in working out, they weren’t getting it right. It is important to perform every exercise properly else you will just be wasting your time.

22. Get a gym partner

Get a gym partner
I’ve had people come to me with complaints of not seeing the desired result or slow progress. I asked them questions to find out the problem, and I discovered they were consistent, eating a proper diet, not under any form of stress and sleeping well yet there was no proof of all their hard work. Then I went ahead to supervise their routine. What did I find? I noticed that while they were consistent in working out, they weren’t getting it right. It is important to perform every exercise properly else you will just be wasting your time.

23. Practice skipping often

40 tips on health and fitness Practice skipping often

Take advantage of the cold It’s not all about weights and running, try skipping sometimes – it’s easier, and you get to burn 200 calories in 20 minutes. If you are an aspiring boxer then include this to your workout routine, it will help increase your balance.24. Take advantage of the cold 24. Take advantage of the cold.

Find out the best Skipping rope for yourself.  There is more to jumping ropes than you think  Read more

24. Take advantage of the cold

40 tips on health and fitness Take advantage of the cold

Do you know that you burn more calories when you workout in the cold?

A study by the National Institute of health tells us that we burn up to 7 percent when we exercise outdoors than indoors.

If you’re running outdoor in the cold make sure you wear the best running gloves.

You know what that means, get your trainers and head out!

25. Check yourself out

40 tips on health and fitness Check yourself out

Once in a while, look yourself in the mirror and appreciate how far you’ve come to achieving your goal.

It’s good to check yourself out and admire your body; it helps motivate you to work hard to keep that body.

26. Tell yourself positive things

Tell yourself positive things

For those battling with inconsistency, this will be helpful. Every day as you exercise, say reassuring words to yourself, tell yourself how you’re doing a great job and how closer you are to your target.

Telling yourself positive things about your body and the effort you’re putting makes you feel better about yourself. Sometimes this is what you need to get you to the finish line.

27. Know when to take a break

40 tips on health and fitness Take a short break between reps

There are good days, and there are bad days, you should know when to take a day off the treadmill. Nobody knows how you feel better than you, when you are stressed out, especially from work it’s advisable you skip working out that day till you get relaxed.

Both physical and mental stress can have a negative effect on your body and lead to obesity. Study yourself and avoid things that give you stress to help you feel better.

28. Stretch more often

Stretch more often

If you are new to exercising this tip is for you. It’s been ages since you’ve hit the gym, your muscles and joints are stiff, and stretching will help loosen them up and make you more flexible.

Find out more benefits of creating flexibility. Read our article.


29. Challenge yourself financially

40 tips on health and fitness Challenge yourself financially

Enroll for programs that offer a penalty if you fail to meet your day’s workout session.

For example, programs that offer discounts for regular members and extra charges if you miss a day. Since you wouldn’t want to pay extra, you will be driven to always show up.

This is a good way to discipline yourself.

30. Do kettlebell swings

40 tips on health and fitness Do kettlebell swings

For ladies who want a sexier backside, do kettlebell swing after a leg workout.

For those that don’t have a kettlebell you can do deadlifts and hip-thrusters – they have a significant effect on your backside.

Find your best Kettlebell for yourself, read our tips for the Best Kettlebells for building Strength.

31. Eat chilli pepper during winter

Eat chilli pepper during winter

Did you know that sweet chilli pepper can help you burn more calories during the winter?

Yes, that’s right – they contain a substance called capsinoids which help increase the number of brown fat cells.

These brown fat cells are responsible for burning calories in the body.

32. Add peppermint to your water every morning

Add peppermint to your water every morning

Peppermint has been proven to cause relaxation in muscles, reduce soreness and boost the circulation of oxygen to the brain and muscles.

Including it in your morning drink will help boost your performance.

33. Try vegetarian diets

Try vegetarian diets

Go green with vegetarian diets and watch yourself lose weight faster.

Science shows that vegans have a slenderer body than meat-eaters.

You can spice up your diet with vegan delicacies.

34. Know what time works for you


Instead of struggling to wake up early and take a jog why don’t you work out in the evenings after work?

Some people prefer mornings to nights while others are different.

Rather than fighting to beat the alarm understand who you are and work out in the evening.

You will discover that instead of missing your sessions you will have them regularly.

35. Eat at the right time

Eat at the right time

Apart from eating a healthy diet, eating early is just as important.

Eat breakfast before leaving for the office, eat lunch before 3 pm and eat dinner at 8 pm. Eating late increases the number of calories and makes you add more weight.

Now if you don’t want that, make it a habit to eat at the right time.

36. Don’t rely too much on apps

40 tips on health and fitness Dont rely too much on apps

Get fit quick apps may not be as effective as they seem. This is because most of them don’t put your body type or challenges into consideration, and only a few of the lecture you about a good diet.

To get in shape, a lot of factors come into play, but these apps only give you exercises to do without checking the other elements. I don’t recommend workout apps for newbies, get an instructor instead.

Notwithstanding saying this, its worth monitoring your fitness progress.  We have reviewed the best heart monitors in the market.  Have a read of our review.

37. Take more proteins

Take more proteins

Apart from the fact that protein helps your muscles grow, they also satisfy you more, but carbs give you more calories.

Eating more protein will help you control your sugar and junk food intake hence helping you lose weight.

39. Be the best version of yourself

Be the best version of yourself

Picture who you want to look like and work towards being that person.

You won’t feel successful if you don’t have a yardstick for it.

Personal happiness comes from within.  Here is an article “The Five Personality Traits of a Happy Person” I know you will like.

38. Use the appropriate sportswear

40 tips on health and fitness Use appropriate Sportsgear

Even your dressing matters, there are sport wears specially designed for working out. Get the right trainers and tracksuit which are more comfortable than traditional house wears. Other clothing is uncomfortable and will get you all worked out faster than usual.

Not to mention the risk of injury due to the wrong footwear during winter. Always use the proper sport wears before heading out.

40. Get prepared

Fitness and Health Get prepared

Don’t just get up and head out for a jog, plan for it.

We have a lot of things we need to do every day, and that’s why we have a schedule.

Likewise, you have to prepare ahead for a workout, ensure you have everything you need beforehand and work with time.

This will help you do more and monitor your progress easily.

Final Say

I hope you found these tips not too controversial.

Love to here if you have any other tips.


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