One of the most common issues for people who work in offices is the tight and sore neck muscles. This standing or seated neck stretch provides people some relief, the tight and sore muscle in the shoulder, neck, and the back of the head. The standing or seat neck stretch can be even done lying down.
This exercise is non-intrusive and can be done almost anywhere from sitting in the car at the traffic lights to waiting in a queue at the supermarket.
The stretch brings a positive impact to your whole aura because this stretch greatly relieves tension from your shoulders to your spine. It works the neck muscles, including the trapezius muscles that are in the upper middle of your back through the shoulders to the base on your skull.
This simple neck stretch reduces tension that leads to headaches, migraines and stiffness in the neck.
2-4 Minutes
Muscle Group
Trapezius Neck, Shoulder, Back
Fitness Type

Safety Tips
Try always to keep your back straight and make sure not to slump forward. Also, if you have any injury or chronic pain in your neck, shoulders or back, visit your doctor first before executing this exercise. While stretching, you will feel the tension in your muscles, but should not feel any pain. If there is pain, end the stretch.

Number of Reps and/or Length of Time
2-4 minutes
5-10 second hold
Repeat 3-4 times on each side
2-4 minutes
8-15 second hold
Repeat 3-4 times on each side
2-4 minutes
10-20 second hold
Repeat 3-4 times on each side
Step 2 Sit in a chair with a straight back and lifted chest.
Step 3 Tilt your head towards your left shoulder.
Step 4 You can assist the pose as you press down on your head using your left hand.
Step 5 Hold this pose to your comfort level.
Step 6 Repeat steps 3 to 5 on the other side.

Fitness Tip
Choose a fitness regime that fits into your lifestyle. Though do try to make it at least 4 vigorous sessions of a minimum of 30 minutes each.
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