Often hamstrings and calves can become tight as a result of poor posture, always sitting down as a result of our inactivity sedentary lifestyle. This lifestyle shortens the hip flexor muscles cause the hamstrings to tighten.
As well, calves and hamstrings can tighten by overuse such as running.
It is vital to have the full motion in hamstrings to avoid the hip flexors to tighten that could result in pelvic tilts that lead to lower back problems.
The Hamstrings and Calves Stretch will maintain and improve the flexibility of the hamstring, calf muscles and Achilles tendon.
This stretch is recommended for people who suffer or prone with plantar fasciitis issue (feet issues), the thick weblike ligament in your feet that act as shock absorbers.
This is very beneficial when you warm up before for a workout routine or exercise to ensure a good blood flow around and removing any toxins around the muscles.
For runners, it will help in your stride.
3-8 Minutes
Muscle Group
Calf Muscles, Plantar Fasciitis Achilles Tendon
Easy to Difficult
Fitness Type

Safety Tips
Try always to keep your back straight and make sure not to slump forward. Also, if you have any injury or chronic pain in your legs, hips or back, visit your doctor first before executing this exercise. While stretching, you will feel the tension in your muscles, but should not feel any pain. If there is pain, end the stretch.

Number of Reps and/or Length of Time
3-5 minutes
3-5 reps
5-10 second hold
2-3 Sets
Head 30-60 cm (12” -24”) from the knee
3-7 minutes
3-5 reps
10-20 second hold
2-3 Sets
Head should be 15-30 cm (6”-12”) from knee
4-8 minutes
3-5 reps
15-40 second hold
2-3 Sets
Head should be touching the knee
Step 1 Watch the instructional video, then read the following for clarification.
Step 2 Sit on your mat with your leg apart, 45-90 degree angle but straight in front of you.
Step 3 Reach forward with both hands reach one foot or with the towel hooked over the top of the foot.
Step 4 Gently pull back, allowing your right foot to slowly bend up toward your knee while keeping your knee straight. And hold.
You should feel a slight stretching feeling in the back of your calves, back of knee, hamstring and the hip
Step 5 Release, rest for a few seconds and repeat 2-3 on the same leg to that you feel comfortable.
Step 6 Repeat steps 2 to 4 on the left foot and leg..
Step 7 Rest for a few seconds and repeat the set to your level.
Exercise Notes
- Most people will not able be able to touch their toes in this exercise. It is suggested that you use a towel or rope to help by throwing it over the top of your foot with stretching.
As you become more flexible, you will eventually touch your toes and slow as you progress be able for your head to your knee.
- This stretching exercise should be undertaken after a short 2-4 minute warm-up. The warm-up can be as simple as shaking your body or jumping up and down on the spot. This warm-up will start the blood flow and begin to move any toxins around the muscles.

Fitness Tip
Choose a fitness regime that fits into your lifestyle. Though do try to make it at least 4 vigorous sessions of a minimum of 30 minutes each.
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