Questions about the heart and mind


Two uncomplicated questions, are they not?

Even a child can tell you that semi-biologically, your mind is in your head and your heart is in your chest.

This is for the reason that whenever we think, we feel a presence in our heads. And when we hurt, our chests weigh heavy. We feel them as we feel hunger, with the instantaneous understanding that the pain stems from our stomachs.

And for the most part of it, we are not wrong!

But the concept of our minds and our hearts is one that transcends the “realm” of physics and biology.

Here, nature seems to take a somewhat magical turn with no explanation whatsoever. Mystics took it upon themselves to understand on a deeper level, the topics of mind and heart. And they came back to us with the conclusion that they were energies, opening up a doorway to an infinite number of possibilities.

Most all of us were taught about energy in High School, and the idea of matter. We were taught that energy is undefinable, mostly. It exists as it wants to exist, and it cannot be destroyed, only changed from one form to another.

But what does that mean essentially? Can we tap into the energies of heart and mind anywhere and everywhere? Can they as well change form?

The truth about Energy

Firstly, let us put the idea of energy in all its forms against common things to better grasp its vastness. Energy can be seen, or rather, “sensed” everywhere. It is not an object itself but rather a state in which an object exists in. Think of it the way, the sky over your head is blue, but there are so many other things that are blue as well. The color blue can exist almost anywhere. Blue is the state in which the sky exists in but the sky is just one thing.

Yes, but what does all of that have to do with you, your heart and mind? Well, everything!

Your heart can be said to physically exist in one place—your chest, just as your brain physically exists in your head. However, the energies of your heart and mind cannot be defined by physics! Energy is infinite and untamable. They simply cannot be confined. This is to say that it is time to open yourself up to the idea that your heart and mind could exist within every inch of your body. The possibility that you, in your entirety could be made up of love and wisdom.

Only through living in your own spirituality, however, will you fully understand this idea. You can be told about it, but to really believe it, you will have to be subjected to personal experiences. With spiritual reality, just as with everything else, thoughts and ideas can only be verified through your own inner realizations.


How far do your mind and heart really go?

The heart and mind are capable of more than feeling and thinking, if you only knew! They are rooted deep within your being, with universal essences similar to your inner consciousness. The formula is quite simple; your body houses your soul, and your soul contains within itself the enormous energies of cosmic love and cosmic wisdom, in every single inch of itself.

Understanding that love and wisdom can be felt, or again, “sensed” in every part of your body, brings you to the truth of the all too famous statement that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Another famous, more archaic mystic statement prompts you to ‘find the truth within you’. And this is because your body is perceived to be nothing more than a mode of guidance of all that it carries inside.


Just as your body can, can your heart can as well be multi-dimensional?

Your universal heart exists within every part of you. Whenever you feel something, it is not just the heart that feels. Instead, you get a heart-like knowing that can be felt in every part of yourself.

The heart, in its truest form, is understanding of the highest truths. It strips naked everything it comes across.  The deeper heart, the divine heart, is capable of grasping knowledge without at all analyzing, without thinking.

However, there are still superficial aspects of the heart. These can be tricked and turned around by a simple plea to our emotions. People have mastered this art over time; lovers and politicians alike. They are aware as well that it is only our divine hearts that cannot be fooled.

How multi-dimensional is multi-deminsional when it comes to your mind?

The universal mind as well exists within every part of you.  It is not merely your brain that has been blessed with the capacity to know and learn, but your being as a whole uses this cosmic intuition.

The mind, in its truest form, echoes with the highest truths of whatever it “sees”. Your deeper mind knows without analyzing or thinking. It simply aligns with the universe spark of whatever it comes across. However, just as it was with the heart, this only holds true for the deeper mind.

The mind as well has superficial aspects to itself which can be deceived by worldly logic. It accepts whatever it feels to be true as true with no second thought to whether it has been presented with false information. The media and advertising firms have capitalized on this fact, providing questionable information to mislead the weaker aspects of our mind.

We’re still telling the same story

By now, you must have noticed the aching similarity between the deep heart and the deep mind. But if you haven’t, or cannot seem to hold it down clearly, know that it is this;

  1. The deep heart knowing can find truth by deeply feeling. Aligning itself with the universal essence of things.
  2. The deep mind knowing can find truth by deeply knowing. Aligning itself with the universal essence of things.

While these may be quite similar, they rest greatly on your ability to understand what is real and what is not.

Believing that the heart and mind are not definable within the constraints of non-spirituality enables you to search for a deeper connection between your body, your soul and your cosmic essence. It dissociates you from the ever misleading stereotypes about your heart and your mind.


Detecting these sterotypes

A great many spiritual teachings advise that you feel your truth in your heart. And not your head. By this, the “mind” has been outcast, as it is believed to overthink and overanalyze, two things which cannot and should not exist in this modern world. However, believing this stereotype can cause a lot of problems for people who are honestly in search for a deeper understanding. The same can be said about the idea of following one’s heart.

The heart and the mind are complementary energies and no one should be followed without the other. The deep mind and the deep heart see the world in their own unique ways. And if you are someone searching for some sort of truth to this world, given that you are willing and ready to go deep enough, they will guide you on your transcendental journey away from the surface illusions of heart and mind.

It’s more than just emotion and logic

When you decide on making contact with your universal heart and mind, decide on the journey to be a personal one. Forgo teachings and words for your own unique experience. You will come to find that logic and emotions do not come near the surface of your deepest essence. Logic and emotion, admittedly, will point you in the general direction of a solution, but only your inner essences—the energies of your mind and heart—will show you the solutions with the highest quality! This is because they resonate with the universe on a level that emotions and logic cannot.

Guide to access your empathetic powerful loving mind

To access the mind is to find a revered space in your head, a space where your imaginations are free to spread their wings. A place that surpasses earthly thinking. Here’s how;

  1. Close your eyes, and travel deep to the center of your head.
  2. Go deeper, find the level beyond all logical thought.
  3. Continue on your journey, deeper and deeper.
  4. You will arrive at a level where you can reverberate with the untainted quintessence of life within a person or a situation.


Guide to accessing your empathic wise heart

To access the heart is to find a revered space in your heart that surpasses ordinary emotions. Here as well, your imaginations should be allowed to roam freely. Do this;

  1. Close your eyes and go deeper to the center of your heart.
  2. Go deeper, and find the level beyond emotional love.
  3. Continue to go deeper and deeper.
  4. You will arrive at a level where you can reverberate untainted quintessence of life within a person or a situation.

May your explorations into the deep mind and heart of your soul bring you honest clarity and peace.

The further you go exploring the deeper truths, the more your essence aligns with the universe.

Your deep center is the cosmic source of love and wisdom.


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