The back or extended puppy pose greatly relieves stress by deeply stretching the spines. It also increases self-confidence and fosters a feeling of self-love.
This pose will help you release accumulated tension in your body. The extended puppy pose also increases the flexibility of your spinal cord and muscles, and partly activate your abdominal muscles. Hence, in translation, aid in your digestion, reduce bloating, and help burn belly fat.
7-10 Minutes
2-3 times per week
Muscle Group
Back, Shoulders, Arm Areas, Hips, Back Muscles, Abdominal Muscles
Easy to Moderate
Fitness Type

Safety Tips
Take a rain check on this exercise if you are suffering from a knee or hip injury. This can greatly increase the pressure on your knees and worsen your condition.
You may also want to skip this exercise if you have stiff arms and shoulders or if you are suffering from severe back pain, as this may aggravate the pain and make you stiffer. Also, when you are pregnant in the later stages, this exercise can be harmful to the fetus, and the mother as blood will flow in the opposite direction.

Number of Reps and/or Length of Time
10 secs hold
Repeat 3 times
2-3 sets
4-7 min
20 secs hold
Repeat 4 times
2-3 sets
5- 12 min
30 secs hold
Repeat 5 times
2-3 sets
Step 1
Watch the instructional video, then read the following for clarification.
Come to a tabletop position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, your hips stacked over your knees, and the tops of your feet relaxed down the mat.
Step 2
Slowly walk your hands in front of you, allowing you to lower your chest down toward the floor. Keep your hips over your knees. Your arms should be shoulder-distance apart. Gently move your forehead towards the ground.
Step 3
Activate your arms by pressing in the palm of your hands and lifting your elbows and forearms away from the floor.
Step 4
Move your shoulder blades towards your back.
Step 5
Reach your hips up high, pointing to the ceiling.
Step 6
Let your neck relax and breathes into your back as you lengthen your spine in both directions.
Step 7
Remain in the pose from 5 to 10 breaths, and gently lift your forehead and walk your palms back toward your body and press up to Tabletop.
Step 8
Repeat to your level
Step 9
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Fitness Tip
Choose a fitness regime that fits into your lifestyle. Though do try to make it at least 4 vigorous sessions of a minimum of 30 minutes each.
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