In today’s fast-paced world, most of us are well versed in balancing career, family, friends, community, and personal needs.  But what do you think of when you hear the term ‘energy balance’?  Maybe a yoga headstand or a Spiderman like skateboard stunt?
What it means, at least in the health world, is the art of consuming just the optimum amount of calories so you can fuel your body’s essential functions, the activities of daily living, and exercise.

However, when it comes to nurturing our bodies, not many people think about how much they put into their bodies and what the body needs to stay healthy.  In this article, we take sneak peek into what energy balance is and why it is essential to understand it for better weight management.


What is Balanced Energy ?

It is a well-known fact that foods contain calories.  It is lesser-known, however, that calories are energy suppliers that drive the functioning of the human body.  Your energy balance is the difference between the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you burn each day through physical activity.

Energy balance equation: Energy in (calorie input) – Energy out (Calorie output)

What you eat and drink is CALORIES IN, whereas what you burn through physical activity is CALORIES OUT.  While you burn a few calories by merely breathing air or digesting food, you also flush out more calories through exercise or daily activities such as walking to the bus stop, going shopping, etc.

That’s why people who are more active physically burn more calories than those who are relatively leading a sedentary lifestyle.

The same amount of CALORIES IN and CALORIES OUT
overtime = Weight remains the same

More CALORIES IN than CALORIES OUT over time = Weight gain

More CALORIES OUT than CALORIES IN over time = Weight loss

Note: Your CALORIES IN and OUT need not be balanced every day.   It’s more important to achieve Energy Balance over time so you can maintain a healthy weight for the long term.

How will I know my Energy Balance?

Some experts compare this idea of “calories in” and “calories out” to that of a bank account.  If you deposit more money than you take out, it is evident that your account will grow in size.  Likewise, if you consume more calories than you burn, you will only gain more weight over time.

While each one of us has different caloric requirements, it is best to find your energy balance by calculating the number of calories using this calculator recommended by the American Cancer Society according to your age and activity level.  Then, apply your findings to the Energy balance equation and take a look at the result.  You’ll have a positive energy balance, a negative energy balance, or a neutral balance.

  • Neutral Balance: If you’ve juggled between your diet and exercise well, and end up with a ‘ZERO’ after calculating your energy equation— Kudos, you’ve found yourself a neutral energy balance.  As this state means you’ll not gain or lose weight, it is perfect for those who are in the weight control phase of their weight loss journey. 
  • Positive Energy Balance: If your energy equation ends up with a positive number, then you’ve found the right balance needed for weight gain.   This is a primarily healthy state for pregnant women, children, and those who are trying to bulk up!
  • Negative Energy Balance: Last but not least, if your equation puts forth a negative number, you’ve stuck the desired energy imbalance for weight loss. While this state is called the energy deficit, it is also a ‘reward in disguise’ for those looking to slim down.


Changing Energy Balance to Lose Weight​

So, if weight loss is your ultimate goal and for some reason, your energy equation was either neutral or positive, the following tips will not just help you strike the right energy balance but also assist you in losing weight successfully!

Weigh Yourself

The best way to start tracking your ‘energy balance’ is to weigh yourself regularly.  Doing so will help you pinpoint if you are losing, gaining, or staying at almost the same weight over time.

Pro Tip: It is recommended to step on the weighing scale once every week on a fixed day at the same time. 
Be mindful about what you’re eating

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t keep a vigil at your calorie intake!  Whilst fixating on calories is arguably a lot of hassle, did you know that a few simple measures like reading food labels, maintaining a food journal, or minding your portions can take you a long way ahead!  How may you ask?  By making you more aware of what you eat.

For example, if you had to keep a record of all the food items you eat and drink each day, wouldn’t you be able to track what exactly you are putting into your body easily? As a result, you can deal with your hunger pangs more decisively and keep a check on overeating.  (Still not sure how to beat hunger? Read our detailed guide to know more about science-based ways to curb your appetite naturally) 

Pro Tip: Food journals may also give you the much-needed insight into the vitamins and nutrients that are lacking in your diet.  (For example-iron, protein or high-fiber foods).

Eating low-energy-dense foods

If you are trying to achieve energy balance, it is essential to look at the energy density of the foods you eat.  Health experts define energy density as the number of calories present in a specific amount of food.

And to lose weight, your best bet is to eat foods with lower energy density— providing you with satisfying portions per gram with relatively low-calorie content.   Some of the best examples are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based proteins such as beans, peanuts, and chickpeas.


Pro Tip:  According to the by the American Institute for Cancer Research, it is recommended to fill only one-third of your plate with animal protein, whereas reserving at least two-thirds for the plant-based foods!

Increase your Physical Activity

So, you’ve indulged in some high-calorie foods.  Why not level the score with a quick jog or brisk walk around the block?  Whilst it is paramount to compare calories burned with those consumed, you can change your energy balance by merely incorporating a few gentle movements.  From resistance training with light weights to the following yoga or stretching routine, you can burn a few hundred extra calories with a simple workout to reach your ‘balanced energy’ goal!

All in all, making small changes to your caloric intake and activity log is the most reasonable and sustainable method to achieve ‘energy balance,’ which works wonders to maintain a healthy weight.

To get rid of stubborn belly fat, and feel the results in no time, check out our detailed diet and exercise guide to weight loss.


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