
Best Foam Roller for Exercises and Muscle Recovery

Best Foam Roller for Exercises and Muscle Recovery

There is so much in a foam roller, you will be surprised. From the size, the firmness to the texture. It is not that straight forward which is the best foam roller is for you.

This article looks at the benefits of a foam roller as a form of warm up, cool down and muscle recovery, as well as reviewing the popular and best foam rollers. We have short listed our recommended foam rollers that we considered the best in the market.
A warm-up and warm down before exercise is essential. Having the best foam roller will help relieve muscles before and after the workout.

Best Running Belts

Best Running Belts

Running for many of us is a part of our daily lives. At most times we need to carry some bare essentials like house keys and mobiles phone. We have appraised and summarised the best running belts in the market to allow you have an informed decision before buying a running belt..