Currently, the internet is full of various articles on weight loss. You will come across many explaining fat burning tips and how to lose fat quickly and turns fat into muscle.  In the articles, you will likely get to know how weight training helps build muscles.  Then, they tend to explain how it helps burn calories, raises the metabolic rate, and then burns fat faster. While the explanations are true, they are often exaggerated.

First off, whether we train our muscles or not, the human body burns some calories daily. In this way, it can keep a particular amount of muscles. Thus, as you develop more lean muscles, you would lose some muscles as well. When you build muscles, metabolic rate increases as your body transforms into a calorie-burning and fat-reducing device. As you would expect, your overall body fat will reduce.
So rather than following the bandwagons, we’ll be discussing the number of calories that muscle burns. Also, we’ll clarify whether there is any best way to turn fat into muscle. Afterward, we’ll give some useful tips on how to have a successful weight-loss program, including burning back muscles. Enjoy reading!

What is the Number of Calories that Muscle Burns?

You should understand the number of calories that you would lose through muscle building. With the information, you can set some specific short-term and long-term goals with your workout plan.
Contrary to some beliefs that one pound of muscle burns close to 50 calories daily, this is not true. Otherwise, if you build 5lbs of muscle in the gym, you would be losing 500 calories from your body daily. With such a loss, it would increase your metabolic rate significantly with a notable difference in your fat instantly.
However, muscle doesn’t burn calories in that way. According to research, you should expect to lose five to six calories during rest with one pound of muscle gained. Thus, when you develop 5lbs of muscle today, you would burn an extra 25 calories during your relaxation period. And if you can achieve 20lbs of muscle, then you are consuming about 50 additional calories daily.
The body needs to develop an amount of muscle before it can significantly influence your calorie level. Keep in mind that muscle truly burns calories and, as a result, increases metabolism. However, it is not as significant as people think.  Also, muscles do burn more calories compared to fat. If you lose 5lbs of fat, then develop 5lbs of muscle, the metabolic rate will increase by 15 to 20 calories.
Thus, weight training is genuinely advisable for a fat loss program; after all, it helps maintain muscle while losing fat. But you need to do away with the impression that it will help build your muscle. Or, the notion that it will reduce the fat burning effect significantly – it is mere exaggeration.
Such sweet talks are often used by people with little fitness know-how who would like to sell some products to their trainees.
It is okay to focus on weight training to build muscles, reduce calories, and burn fats. But you should eat fewer whole calories and increase the number of routines that burns calories. In this way, your diet plan and weight training will have a considerable impact.

How does fat turn into muscle?

Here is another controversial topic about muscles and fat that need clarifications. A simple answer to the question is, it’s impossible! The body is incapable of turning fats into muscles.  Likewise, you cannot transform muscles into fat.  The truth is that muscles and fats are two different forms of tissue.  And, both cannot change into one another directly. It is just like trying to convert an orange to a mango – it doesn’t work that way. Instead, you can only lose fat and gain muscles.  So, don’t fall victim to buying something like “the best way to turn fat into muscles” or whatsoever.
To lose fat, you need to burn more calories than you gain. Every calorie consumed is either used as a fuel to perform body functions or reserved as fat for future use. But before you can lose fat without having to lose muscle, you need to eat balanced food as appropriate.

Failure to eat sufficient protein while reducing your calorie intake would result in fat loss. Also, it will influence muscle loss. Several studies show that low protein intake accelerates muscle loss to cover for the insufficient protein.  Naturally, the body would burn the reserved fat and muscle. Eventually, the muscle cells will start to shrink.

If you plan to lose fat without muscle, fitness specialists recommend consuming at least 0.8 grams of protein for each body weight daily. A good example is a person who weighs 150lbs. For such a person to lose fat and keep the muscles, he/she need to consume about 120 grams of protein daily.

The amount is equal to the size of protein found in 3.5 to 4-ounce chicken breasts or 3 cups of chopped chicken. Note that such an individual has to be performing weight training, like lifting weights during the program. As discussed earlier, the importance of the routine is to reduce the weight without having to lose muscles.

4 Useful Tips for Reducing Fat and Gaining Muscles

By building muscles and losing fat together, you can quickly develop a leaner body composition. All you need is to burn more calories than you consume, then strengthen muscles through fitness routines.  Although performing strength training and maintaining a balanced diet is crucial, applying the following tips will help achieve your fitness goals earlier than planned.

1. Engage High-intensity Interval Training

You can lose fat faster by burning more calories through High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This routine involves a combination of short bursts of strenuous workouts and slower recovery periods. This method shifts the body from regular rhythms. HIIT spurs the body into self-repair while burning more calories to increase metabolism.

The increased rate can last for several hours during the recovery period. For your HIIT routine, you may consider performing 30 seconds to one-minute use of maximum effort. Then, try two to five minutes for the recovery period with a simple routine. For your recovery routine, consider jogging (at a low pace), walking, or performing any simple form of aerobic exercise.

2. Perform Compound Strength Training

If you would like to burn more calories and target more muscles, then consider compound exercises. For instance, leg extensions help build quadriceps. You can perform squats to develop hamstrings, glutes, abs, and quads.

Rather than performing a single extension, you can combine squats, bench presses, deadlift, and dips to engage multiple joints. By so doing, you can build more muscle mass and increase metabolic rate.  Consequently, you will lose weight faster.  Have a look at this article about weight lifting, 11 Deadlifts Must-Know Tips.

3. Get good sleep

Once you achieve the desired fitness state, you should maintain it with a good night’s sleep regularly. By so doing, you will avoid muscle loss that might occur during a diet program. Without proper sleep, you can start craving for foods containing sugar for quick energy; as a result, you will jeopardize your diet plan.

Advisably, you should sleep for 8 hours, 30 minutes every night. According to a study published in 2010, dieters who sleep for 5 hours 30 minutes per night tend to lose 55% lesser fats and 60% higher fat-free body mass compared to those who sleep for 8 hours and 30 minutes each night.

4. Eat good food

While trying to reduce calories in your weight loss program, you need sufficient nutrients to promote the growth of lean tissue. Otherwise, you can jeopardize your muscle-building plan when you restrict calorie intake completely. To develop your muscles, you need to consume protein.

From research, you need to consume 0.8grams of protein for each pound of body weight to experience muscle growth. However, ensure that it is not beyond one gram per pound. If not, you will not be helping your weight loss program at the same time. As part of your diet plan, you should consider lean proteins, such as fish and egg whites. Also, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits are recommendable.


Before we conclude, let’s remind you that if you ever ask, how does fat turn into muscles?  A simple answer is no; it doesn’t turn directly.  So, don’t be deceived into purchasing any fake product claiming the best way to turn fat into muscle. Instead, what you need to reduce those excessive fats is sticking to your diet plan, and performing weight-training routines as advised by your fitness instructor.

Also, endeavour to put the tips on how to gain muscles and lose fat quickly, as explained herein at the back of your mind.

It won’t help gain huge muscle mass alone, but also ensure that you reach your fitness goals earlier than planned.

Finally, endeavour to consult your doctor or nutritionist before you change your diet plan.


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