Relationships ruts – People in relationships have that sixth sense – that is, they can quite tell if there’s something wrong with their partner or the relationship. Creating a check and balance is vital to make the relationship long-lasting benefits for both. Here are ways to gauge the health of your relationship as well as tips to get over the relationship rut:

Talk it through

Simply asking how the relationship is going opens up frustrations, fears if any, and prevents the explosion of negative sentiments early on. Check if both of you are still getting what you want and need from the relationship.

Most importantly, be honest. For you and your partner’s sake. Tell your partner if you feel alone, unsatisfied, disrespected, misunderstood, unheard. Talk things out before they get any worse.

One communication problem to avoid is complaining. Learn to demand instead of respectfully. It’s healthier to try and solve a problem with demand rather than just covering with complaints. Individual needs should be met because happy individuals make better partners.

Have fun together

As obligations increase, you spend less time to be silly and have fun. Such is the reality of life. But having fun doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive and grand.

So when you do have spare time, even if it’s a simple as cracking a joke, singing your hearts out while cooking, playing with kids, watching a movie, or grabbing drinks with your friends, make sure to have a wonderful time with your partner.

It should be easy to concoct when you are with someone you love and trust.

Try new things together

Trying new things is not just fun but very productive in the sense that you will learn something new about each other and yourselves.

Especially when you try out ideas, you are a bit apprehensive about it. It makes you vulnerable. At the same time, it will give you the opportunity to enhance your trust towards your partner.

Trying things out also gives you the chance to learn how to handle your partner’s reactions to new situations. These things will create a deeper, more meaningful bond to reinvigorate the relationship.

Spend time apart

Over familiarization can make the relationship dull and predictable. It can sometimes lead to suffocation. When you have been in a long term relationship, spending time apart is as favorable as spending time together.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder as it is said. As long as your intentions are pure, there’s no reason to fear the distance. This is particularly true if your partner (or both) is an introvert. Quite a time alone to recharge is golden to them.

Spice it up in bed!

Lack of intimacy is a common underlying cause of most unhappy relationships. Men are designed to connect better emotionally when there’s meaning physical bond as well.

The first three tips are useful in this area. Communicate your needs and demands. If you are in the receiving area, listen to your partner and make him/her feel heard without fear of prejudice or rejection.

Whether the demands are about the intensity, frequency, style of love making, talk through and come up with a solution or compromise. Have fun again in bed, just like when you were starting out as a couple.

At some point, love making can be a hassle. Find ways to make it fun and comfortable for you and your partner. There are lots of tips available. Try new techniques, tools, and styles of being intimate with your partner.

Whatever kind of rut you are stuck in, there’s nothing that good intentions out of pure love cannot solve. Have faith that all these efforts will be worth it in the end


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