Knee Side Bend Stretch
The Knee Side Bend Stretch lengthens you abdominal, hips, hamstrings, quads and the muscles between the ribs. The intercostal can cause a range of issues to your posture, including the difficulty of breathing, shoulder and neck tension. This stretch gives your ribs,...
Lunge with Spiral Twist
The Lunge with Spinal Twist is the easiest way to open the hips, so if you are someone who has locked or tight hips, then this stretch is for you. . It engages the quads, core and glutes as well as improving balance.
It can also be a great way to aggravate lower back issues and other pains, be careful.
Lying Quad Stretch
The Lying Quad Stretch can definitely help you improve on your balance as a whole. It is not only for runners or those with dodgy knees. Daily activities, like squatting, walking running, can tighten the group of 4 muscles that make up the quadriceps.
Tightening of the quads may also cause spinal stenosis or other lumbar spine issues. Stretching these greatly contributes to your versatility, comfort and flexibility.
test Zuch
Flavors that are low carb yet and easy to devour. Quick and easy to cook and eat. The sweet flavors of crab mix well with the crunch and juiciness of zucchini. Topped with a cheesy and creamy layer. Difficulty Medium Cooking Time 20 minutes Preparation Time 15...
Crab Stuffed Zucchini Sticks
Flavors that are low carb yet and easy to devour.
Quick and easy to cook and eat. The sweet flavors of crab mix well with the crunch and juiciness of zucchini. Topped with a cheesy and creamy layer.
Berry & Nutty Chia Breakfast
Superfoods for a super breakfast for super you!
Chia is practically fat-free and protein-rich. Add that with great fat content and refreshing taste from coconut. Mix in berries for sweet and fruity taste without the carbs.
Toasted coconut chunks
It’s a fun snack that’s particularly high in fiber and low in carbs – perfect for keto.
You can actually also opt for fresh coconut meat with its refreshing juice that’s good for cleaning your digestive tracks.
Piriformis Stretch
The Piriformis Stretch can ease in knee and ankle pain as well relieve plantar fasciitis – feet inflammation. It is a must do stretch before exercise,
The Piriformis Stretch stretches the pyramid-shaped muscle that runs along with the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles in the hip, pelvic region of the body. The Piriformis muscle is used for walking and running.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose
The Reclining Bound Angle Pose stimulates your organs in the abdomen, especially your ovaries and prostate, kidney, and bladder. It also improves significantly on your heart and blood circulation. It is known to effectively in relieving stress and menstrual cramps, even depression, and mild insomnia.
Keto Buttered Cod
Warm and tender fish dish all buttered up. Made even more delicious with melted cheese and garlic sauce on top. Sensational taste,
It will go great with a fresh garden salad.