Ab Hip Raise Scissors
The Ab Hip Raise with Scissor is an advance exercise for those who have already develop strong core muscles. It works on strengthening your core abdominal muscles as well as strength around the shoulders.
It will improve your posture and help stabilize your movements.

Alternating Side Lunge
The Alternating Side Lunges is a great way to strengthen your core muscles and legs, especially gluteus medius. It is also a great way to awaken your muscles to promote blood circulation, a good stretch, and a positive vibe throughout the day.
The Alternating Side Lunge increases performance and flexibility as well improves dynamic balance and agility.
![7 of the Best Gymnastic Rings Reviewed [2020]](https://mindbodysoulheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/5-Best-Gymnastic-Rings-Reviewed-1080x520.jpg)
7 of the Best Gymnastic Rings Reviewed [2020]
Gymnastic Rings are not just for Gymnasts. Not all Gymnastic RIngs are the same. Find out more about the differences and what to look out for.
Many cross trainers are using this as part of the fitness program as it build strength and control. Why not do a little at home. Read our Best Gymnastic Rings Review.

Stir-Fried Chicken Teriyaki
Sweet, salty flavors that you can savor in one dish!
Tender chicken bits flavored with umami teriyaki. Add into the mix some fresh spices. The coconut vinegar will add an extra kick to this dish that is stir-fried to perfection.

Back Extension Ball
The Back Extension on Ball exercise, often called Swiss Ball Back Extension, is beneficial for your posture and the prevention of back injuries. This back extension exercise will develop and strengthen and will increase lower back movement. It is more often used to build on your abdominals (abs) muscles

Ball Booty Tone
The Ball Booty Tone exercise is aim to tone your buttock. To make it look firm, fit and avoid the sagging. The Balance Ball offers It is essential to note that you are much exercising your buttocks but as well as your thighs, and glutes.
It also stretches out your back muscles and legs.

Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle Crunches is one of the very best abdominal and obliques muscles strengthening exercises around. It will also activate the rectus abdominis – your upper abdominal muscle. It also dramatically strengthens your core and help maintain good posture. The Bicycle Crunches are about 250% better than standard crunches

The Hamstring and Calves Stretch
The Hamstring and Calves Stretch will improve flexibility and allow more hip motion. The hamstrings and calves can quickly tighten when undertaking any kind of running, dancing or wearing high heel shoes.

Floor Heel Taps
The Floor Heel Taps is excellent to strengthen your back, buttocks, Abs, and thighs at the same time. By lying flat on the mat, and lowering and raising your legs, you feel all your lower body muscles working. One of the benefits of this exercise is very safe and simple to be performed by most people.
The Floor Heel Tap is particularly is suitable for those people who need to strengthen their back or hips.

Guide to 7 Different Health Diets
Are you baffled by the colossal amount of conflicting information about what to eat, what not to, and which diet is perfect for you? Well, welcome to the club!
While your diet should consist of nutrient-rich food, not all of us are familiar with the nutritive jargon to pinpoint the food that meets our nutritional requirements.
Let’s dive into the major nutrients before streamlining the dietary regimens that have piqued people’s curiosity with their promise to deliver real results.