Women’s Exercises
Ball Crunch
Improve your tummy muscles by up to 40 % more by doing Ball Crunch rather than the standard Crunch as well saving your spine.
Ab Slider
The Ab Slide is a great way to tone lots of different muscles. It is not as easy or simple to do as it looks. It works a lot of muscles and requires coordination.
Seated Neck Stretch
One of the most common issues for people who work in offices is the tight and sore neck muscles. This standing or seated neck stretch provides people some relief, the tight and sore muscle in the shoulder, neck, and the back of the head. The standing or seat neck stretch can be even done lying down.
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Hamstrings and Calves Stretch
Often hamstrings and calves can become tight as a result of poor posture, always sitting down as a result of our inactivity sedentary lifestyle. This lifestyle shortens the gip flexor muscles cause the hamstrings to tighten.
Abdominal Ball Crunch with Twist
The Abdominal Ball Crunch with Twist requires controls and strength to undertake. The ball provides lots of lateral movement that requires the core intelligence to work. This exercise helps tone the tummy muscles as well as strengthening your spinal muscles that will...
Ab Hip Raise
The Abdominal Hip Raise, Ab Hip Raise, or often referred to as “The Bridge” is designed to strengthening the core abdominal muscles and Quads. These muscles support the lower back, spine and help with your posture. Find out more.
Ab Hip Raise Scissors
The Ab Hip Raise with Scissor is an advance exercise for those who have already develop strong core muscles. It works on strengthening your core abdominal muscles as well as strength around the shoulders.
It will improve your posture and help stabilize your movements.
Alternating Side Lunge
The Alternating Side Lunges is a great way to strengthen your core muscles and legs, especially gluteus medius. It is also a great way to awaken your muscles to promote blood circulation, a good stretch, and a positive vibe throughout the day.
The Alternating Side Lunge increases performance and flexibility as well improves dynamic balance and agility.
Back Extension Ball
The Back Extension on Ball exercise, often called Swiss Ball Back Extension, is beneficial for your posture and the prevention of back injuries. This back extension exercise will develop and strengthen and will increase lower back movement. It is more often used to build on your abdominals (abs) muscles
Ball Booty Tone
The Ball Booty Tone exercise is aim to tone your buttock. To make it look firm, fit and avoid the sagging. The Balance Ball offers It is essential to note that you are much exercising your buttocks but as well as your thighs, and glutes.
It also stretches out your back muscles and legs.
Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle Crunches is one of the very best abdominal and obliques muscles strengthening exercises around. It will also activate the rectus abdominis – your upper abdominal muscle. It also dramatically strengthens your core and help maintain good posture. The Bicycle Crunches are about 250% better than standard crunches
The Hamstring and Calves Stretch
The Hamstring and Calves Stretch will improve flexibility and allow more hip motion. The hamstrings and calves can quickly tighten when undertaking any kind of running, dancing or wearing high heel shoes.
Floor Heel Taps
The Floor Heel Taps is excellent to strengthen your back, buttocks, Abs, and thighs at the same time. By lying flat on the mat, and lowering and raising your legs, you feel all your lower body muscles working. One of the benefits of this exercise is very safe and simple to be performed by most people.
The Floor Heel Tap is particularly is suitable for those people who need to strengthen their back or hips.
Knee Side Bend Stretch
The Knee Side Bend Stretch lengthens you abdominal, hips, hamstrings, quads and the muscles between the ribs. The intercostal can cause a range of issues to your posture, including the difficulty of breathing, shoulder and neck tension. This stretch gives your ribs,...
Lunge with Spiral Twist
The Lunge with Spinal Twist is the easiest way to open the hips, so if you are someone who has locked or tight hips, then this stretch is for you. . It engages the quads, core and glutes as well as improving balance.
It can also be a great way to aggravate lower back issues and other pains, be careful.
Lying Quad Stretch
The Lying Quad Stretch can definitely help you improve on your balance as a whole. It is not only for runners or those with dodgy knees. Daily activities, like squatting, walking running, can tighten the group of 4 muscles that make up the quadriceps.
Tightening of the quads may also cause spinal stenosis or other lumbar spine issues. Stretching these greatly contributes to your versatility, comfort and flexibility.
Piriformis Stretch
The Piriformis Stretch can ease in knee and ankle pain as well relieve plantar fasciitis – feet inflammation. It is a must do stretch before exercise,
The Piriformis Stretch stretches the pyramid-shaped muscle that runs along with the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles in the hip, pelvic region of the body. The Piriformis muscle is used for walking and running.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose
The Reclining Bound Angle Pose stimulates your organs in the abdomen, especially your ovaries and prostate, kidney, and bladder. It also improves significantly on your heart and blood circulation. It is known to effectively in relieving stress and menstrual cramps, even depression, and mild insomnia.
Seated Standing Shoulder Squeeze
The Seated/Standing Shoulder Squeeze exercise is essential when you want to release some tension in your shoulders. A simple squeeze can definitely go a long way.
Seated Side Bend Stretch
This Seated Side Bend Stretch gives your back, shoulder, and arms that needed stretch to release the tension. This is perfect for your warm-up or cool-down simply because it awakens your body muscles.

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